It’s Time for a Pause…

Seriously folks, this shit is getting crazier by the day and I, for one believe it is time for a pause before the situation escalates into something that will not end well.

The “shit” I am referring to is the Biden Administration’s divisive rhetoric and hateful propaganda campaign, which is repeated over and over and over by their bought and paid for mainstream media talking heads.

The “Echo Chamber” is the cacophony of mindless voices with their scripted shrieks of “White Supremacy” and “Systemic Racism”!!

I can no longer remain silent about what is happening to the Country I Love. It is being torn apart by the hateful rhetoric and outright lies being fed 24/7 to the American Public.

I don’t know how many of you (if any) have ever watched the movie “Wag the Dog”? If you haven’t, you should. It is a “fictional” comedy that is not so “fictional” being that we are rapidly becoming more “Orwellian” and our freedoms and liberty are constantly under attack.

I wake up in the morning thinking that it was all a bad dream. I wash my face, grab a cup of coffee, then, as I have done for many years, g0 online to get up to date on the “news”. (Stupid me!)

Once I realize that NO, it was not just a bad dream. I debate whether or not to face the day or just go back to bed until the madness stops and we are able to have a civilized, compassionate, understanding conversation with one another again.

Like most of Americans, option #2 (despite being the most desirable choice) is not something that I can afford to do. I have to work. I am rather fond of having roof over my head, food to eat and gas in my car.

My fur-kid has needs as well and I would never let him go without…He depends on me. I made a lifelong commitment to him when I adopted him and my word is my bond.

Integrity – Doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.

Integrity and honesty go hand in hand. (At least in my book). I did not always have integrity and frankly was a big fat liar until the day that someone I barely knew told me the TRUTH.

That person changed my life by telling me exactly what I NEEDED to HEAR. (And believe me, it was NOT what I WANTED to HEAR!)

I experienced an actual “epiphany” that day.

I was forced to take an honest, and very real look at myself. (It sucked.)

Gone was the illusion that I believed was me…The phony liar who had captivated and conned their way through life, died that day.

I was lost, scared and alone. I had to start from scratch, I have become an honest, genuine human being.

I had to face the fact that I was full of shit. I was an empty vessel with no honest foundation to stand upon.I had hidden behind a mask of lies and deception for so long, that I no longer could remember who the hell I really was. Could not define my values, my beliefs nor my own opinions. I was part of the “herd”. I fit in and went along with whatever everyone else did. It sure as hell was easier than having to think, debate, and argue or (God forbid) be seen as different and risk being ostracized by my “friends”, co-workers or anyone else in my narrow minded group.

…But I digress.

The person I am today is so far removed from the phony I once was. I look back and laugh at just how stupid I acted just to avoid conflict with others’.

I am not a stupid person, never have been. Sadly, I felt I would not be a “part of” if I did not act stupid. I had shut down the “critical thinking” part of my brain. My opinions were not my own. My decisions were made by whomever was in charge of those things back then. I dressed like everyone else, watched the popular mind-numbing TV shows, movies, etc. Had the “shiny things” mentality with zero substance to my so-called personality. After years of playing that role, I had lost my ability to think for myself. I forgot HOW to think.

I am blessed to have evolved into a remarkably honest person who has integrity. I am real, I am blunt and I tell the truth. I am grateful for my life’s experiences (even the stupid ones) because I am able to discern what is real and what is not.

I look at life objectively and when I am wrong, I admit it. I LISTEN to other people when they speak and I offer my honest opinion when they are done speaking. I have empathy for people. I do my best to put myself in their shoes so that I may better understand them. It is not my job to force anyone to change. It is not my job to make someone think or believe anything.

I am a unique individual with my own thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. No one can take those things from me, they are mine and mine alone. I have an open mind and am always willing to hear all sides of an argument before making a decision. I do my best to listen without interrupting and without bias. I believe that every human being has the right to speak their minds, whether I agree with them or not.

I have no right to tell you or anyone else what they can or cannot say.

I have every right to walk away, to change the channel or to shut the door if I do not want to listen to them. I have no right to scream at them, to “cancel” them, or to do them harm simply because I do not agree with them.

We have come to a very dangerous place in the U.S.A., and we need to pause for a little while.

We are a Great Nation. We are a truly diverse Nation. Our ancestors have emigrated here from all parts of the world and we (while not perfect) have become the most innovative, extraordinary Nation in the world.

When we stand together, when we are united as Americans, we are strong. There is no skin color when we simply look upon one another with love and understanding. Race, Religion, Gender, who we love, what we do for a living, what we drive, what we wear, who are friends are, who we vote for…These things are personal. The labels are being put upon us to divide us.

We The People need to pause for a moment and take an honest and real look at ourselves. Ask ourselves who or what is telling us what to think, who to be, how to act and speak, who to hate, who to “cancel” and decide if that is truly who YOU are.

    We the People means you, me and every other American. No matter what color you are, race, religion or any other label.

Stand up and be heard. Be honest, be fair, and be compassionate. We can do anything if we stand together. We must see our diversity as strength. We do not always have to agree with one another, we can talk about our perceived differences, we can share our thoughts or we can simply walk away. In the end, our diversity is our strength. And those who are trying to destroy us fear our unity. Call it whatever you want, but where there is light, there is no darkness.

May God Bless you, today and always.

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